
Showing posts from September, 2020

How can one find the best hospital for Nephrotic Syndrome in India?

Nephrotic Syndrome is a medical condition that occurs when your kidneys' filtering section, glomeruli becomes damaged and many complications appear in your body. In general, Nephrotic Syndrome isn't a health problem itself but a group of complications that occur in case of damage in Glomeruli. This pathological condition is mainly characterized by persistent proteinuria, hypercholesterolemia, hypo-albuminemia and edema. The condition is responsible for about 20 percent of all cases of end-stage renal failure. Thus, it’s necessary to cure this problem timely to avoid kidney failure; at this phase, the best hospital for Nephrotic Syndrome in India can help curing this problem. Nephrotic Syndrome can occur in every age group irrespective of gender and race. However, males are more prone than females to this kidney disease. Different treatment approach for Nephrotic Syndrome Different healing methods adopt different approaches to cure Nephrotic Syndrome but most of them are n...

What are the main causes of kidney failure?

Kidney failure is a fatal health condition that is the last stage of all kidney diseases, especially chronic kidney disease. In this condition, kidneys become completely incapable of performing their tasks. As we all know, kidneys perform a large number of functions for the smooth functioning of body organs. Majorly, these organs carry out blood filtration by eliminating toxins and impurities from the blood through the urine. Apart from that, many other essential functions are also performed by the kidneys. When kidneys get failed, they are no longer able to perform their natural task. Due to the non-functioning condition of the kidneys, several health complications appear in the body which is severe and may turn fatal, if the condition is not treated timely. Before that, let’s see what the main causes of kidney failure are. Kidney failure is a life-threatening health condition that may take place due to several reasons. The main causes of kidney failure are as follow:- Reduce...

Which emotion is related to kidney disease?

Have you ever thought that your emotions can affect kidney health? No? Well, it does. When patients only seek treatment for kidney diseases, they do not think about the effect of emotions on kidney health. Be it any disease, liver disease, heart disease or kidney disease; Psychological health plays a major role in recovery. Taking care of your mental health and preventing emotional factors are important tasks to overcome the grief of becoming diseased. Many of us must have heard that during any kind of weakness in the body the first effect that is affected is fear and anxiety; fear of death without considering the fact whether the disease is fatal or not. In this piece of content, we will discuss how emotions affect kidney health. How emotions influence the health of kidneys? If we listen to the Nephrologists and Ayurvedacharya, they can be seen telling us that the patient they meet daily tell them only about the symptoms. It is they who understand the hidden emotions and grief of ...

Ayurveda: A Natural Support to the Failed Kidneys

Kidneys are the vital organs for the well-being of a human body. There are enormous functions conducted by a healthy kidney. Imagine the situation when your kidneys will lose all their properties? What it would be like living with kidneys that cannot function well? How are you going to overcome the situation? You will find answers to these entire fundamental questions that comes to the mind of people. Additionally, by the end of the blog you will discover the best kidney failure Ayurvedic treatment. Introduction Beyond the filtration of waste, kidneys perform varied life-supporting functions. A healthy kidney can easily maintain the fluid balance of the body. Furthermore, it can filter and regulate necessary minerals form human blood. Kidneys are also involved in the assistance of the creation of hormones that produce red blood cells. The promotion of bone’s health and regulation of blood pressure are some other functions on the list performed by the kidneys. A kidney is said t...